
Chooks News 14 June 2024

Chairpersons Update

What is the number one reason you are involved in Rugby? That is the question I put to all players, supporters, and friends of Tukapa. I reckon that 95% of you will answer with "to be with Friends and Family." This is why we base everything we do at Tukapa around Friends and Family.

I quite often get asked why Tukapa has so many teams and is such a good club. The answer has nothing to do with what happens on the field on a Saturday; it is deeper than that. The reason we can field 4 afternoon-grade men's teams is these guys just love to hang out with each other during Tuesday and Thursday practices and on the field on a Saturday. But just as important is they love to hang out in the club rooms with each other as well. It doesn't matter what team they are with or play for; all our players enjoy the club together.

After the Women's Premier game on Saturday, there were a few keyboard warriors on the TRFU page arguing about what the score was in our game. To us and the Toa, we really don’t care what the score was. Our girls are just loving getting out there and learning the game we all love. It brings me that bubbly feeling inside every time I see our Toa help each other out and cheer each other on. Again, these girls are just like the guys; they love each other's company and have also now become a massive part of our club. On Saturday night, the girls decided they would run the cornhole competition and did a great job getting everyone in the club involved. Next time when someone asks me or you why Tukapa wanted a women's team, be sure to look them in the eye and tell them that it's about growing our Tukapa family. There is only one other club in Taranaki that can still run out 5 afternoon-grade teams, and I really think this comes back to the family we have built off the field.

We all know that rugby is in trouble at the moment, and we are losing players left, right, and center. I really think we need to start selling the family life at Tukapa that you are missing out on when you decide not to play rugby.

Our Juniors is one place where we are still running 220 players, and every Saturday the smiles you see on these players faces are awesome. I am lucky enough this year to drop back down to square one and coach one of our Ferdie 1 teams who are mostly 4-year-old players. The thrill these kids get each Saturday pulling on the blue and white hoops and lacing up is what we all need to remember Rugby is all about. It's about the oranges at halftime and the bread & savs at full time. These are the things that make rugby great. If all our teenage players and senior players looked at rugby the same way our 4 & 5-year-olds do, I am sure we can build our senior numbers back up.

We are in trouble with the way our game is going, and if we don’t do something and try new ideas, we will lose our game. Before we know it, each club will only have one team, and we will be playing in a central North Island competition. So let's work hard as a family that loves rugby and turn this around.

Some of you may read this and think, "What does he know?" Well, you are right. It's only my thoughts, and you each have your own opinions, and that's fine.

This Week's Games

Now that I have that off my chest, this week at the Chook House is going to be great. We have Stratford Eltham heading our way for three hard games.

Startford Eltham Div 1’s sit in 4th, their Colts in 1st, and their Prems in 1st equal, so our fellas are really going to have to work as a team to get the jobs done. Be sure to come up to the Chook House to see the action.

Our thirds head to Kaponga to play the 4th placed Kaponga, one ahead of us on the table, and our Toa are on the bus to Okaiawa to have a crack against Coastal Okaiawa women.

After all the games, we will see all teams back at Tukapa for the first-ever round-the-world darts competition, and the teams won't be in number ones with the dress-up theme being the New Zealand hit TV program Westside.

So don’t be a stranger, have a think about the above, and we will see you all here at Sanders Park this Saturday.

TRFU Volunteer of the month , Vicky Mckenzie

When we decided to try and get a woman's team under the Tukapa name there was only one name on my list for manager, I knew straight away Vicky was the person i wanted. Without Vicky I am sure the TOA wouldn’t be what it is today, well done Vicky on all the work you have put in. 💙🤍💙 up the TOA

"TRFU post from Social Media"

Each month the Taranaki Rugby Football Union (TRFU) will be highlighting an amazing volunteer within our region. The aim of this is to focus on the amazing mahi that our volunteers do and provide them with the recognition they deserve. We are so lucky to have such dedicated and supportive volunteers right through our region that go the extra mile every week to ensure memorable experiences, opportunities and rugby is accessible to all.

The TRFU Community Volunteer of the month is Vicky McKenzie. Vicky has devoted countless hours to volunteering and is currently the Tukapa Rugby & Sports Club Toa Manager. Vicky's ensures people feel comfortable and welcomed to the club. A lot of women don't do much for themselves being mums and working full-time, Vicky makes it an experience the ladies love and they couldn't be more grateful for. Ka pai Vicky!

Vicky will receive a $100 New World New Plymouth voucher. A massive thanks to New World New Plymouth for the ongoing support of the Taranaki Community Rugby.

If you have a nomination for the TRFU Community Volunteer of the month then please email a short description as to why this volunteer should be recognised to emma@trfu.co.nz

Follow the link to view or download this weekends Game Day Program

Livestream Tukapa Premier vs Stratford/Eltham 2:45pm, Pre-game buildup 2:35pm

Those few who can't make to the game this weekend can watch the Livestream on our Tukapa Rugby Facebook page.

Sponsorship Profile: "Baker Tilly Staples Rodway"

Community drives our sponsorship         

Baker Tilly Staples Rodway are long-time supporters of rugby in the region; from our long-term relationship with the TRFU to our investment in grass roots rugby (both the Ross Brown Tournament, and the Kendra Cocksedge Tournament). It is important to our team that Taranaki kids have the opportunity to play sport – as we all know play and teamwork, winning and losing, falling and getting up again builds resilience and can improve communication skills and develop strong leaders… and we think those skills are really important.

As well as our broader sponsorship values, we are all about providing great accounting and business advisory services, and we’re proud to support Tukapa with Tom O’Connor sitting as the Treasurer on the board and offering his accounting and software knowledge to support the club to make sound financial decisions.

Tom is a bit of a rugby nut (watching rugby that is, he admits he doesn’t have the frame to get on the field). He always leads the Super Rugby sweepstakes and online comps in the office and will always be the first in line if there’s any rugby event tickets on offer.

While we don’t have any staff currently playing for Tukapa there’s been a few social teams in the past, and many Tukapa based social events over the years… most years we have our staff ‘last day Christmas drinks’ up on the deck, we’ve had Santa (on his motorbike) and the Easter bunny turn up for our family day events at the clubrooms, and we’ve used the clubrooms for staff trainings and workshops. Given we’re 105 employees it’s a great space and the Tukapa bar staff always look after us.

Tom enjoys supporting the club in his role as Treasurer and we’re pleased to be able to donate our time and expertise to Tukapa in this way. If your business could use an extra pair of hands or game day strategy to help you win your game (anything from HR to IT, Marketing, Payroll, Audit or Tax advisory), then we would love to hear from you. Drop us an email at taranaki@bakertillysr.nz or call 06 7573155 for a chat with any of our team.

Go the Chooks!

Let us see you all at the Chook House tomorrow it's maybe wet but the beer is cold the game is on in the club House and your friends are here.

Blue and White for Life
Scotty Siffleet



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New Plymouth, 4310

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Scott Siffleet
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